Turns: 0
Wanna get yer greasy little hands on some HotShrimp?
Well, we're not sure you can handle that just yet. But, prove yerself worthy by playing our ShrimpFlipper game to match each HotShrimp with its doppelgänger and we'll add you to the ShrimpList.
WTF Is The ShrimpList?
It's like a whitelist or allowlist, but with more flavor. If yer on the ShrimpList, you'll get access to features and content early and will be able to get yer hands on a HotShrimp before the general public.
How To Play
Connect Yer Wallet
You'll need to connect a wallet before we can add you to the ShrimpList. Use the button at the top of the website to connect a wallet on the Ethereum mainnet. We recommend using MetaMask. Either the browser extension or MetaMask app on mobile phones have proven to work reliably.
Play The Game
Play our ShrimpFlipper matching game and find all of the HotShrimp. After completing the game, you'll be asked whether or not you want to be added to the ShrimpList. If you do, click the chubby pink button and we'll add yer Ethereum address to the ShrimpList.